Car park (surface) Netto Sulechów ul. Tkacka 10


ul. Tkacka 10
, 69-100 Sulechów

Parking tariff

from PLN3.00 per hour

Opening Hours

Mon - Sun
Open all day

Quick information

Total Spaces

Parking Tariff

1h free.

3 PLN every next started hour.

Free time available every 4h.

Car Park Description

Carpark located next to Netto market in Sulechów.


Car Parks Nearby

Netto Sulechów ul. 1 Maja 10

Open all day, Car park (surface)

per hour from PLN 3

All our car parks remain open for our customers! Contactless access and automated electronic payments are granted in most of our locations through our free app APCOA FLOW – no need to pull a ticket or to pay cash at the payment machine.